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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Achievement Unlocked – 5000 views!!

This week saw the Triple Helix Project reach its first major milestone, with the site receiving over 5000 views.  This is amazing to me, because it means that people are taking time out of their very busy lives just to visit my site and see what I’m working on, which is very humbling indeed.  I thought I’d take a bit of time to highlight the articles that have done the most to contribute towards this lofty milestone.

  1. How to Build a gaming table in 2.5 years... or three days
  2. Salamander Update - Blood Claw Revisited
  3. Terrain Update - Anti-Tank Warfare and Barricades!
  4. It's not easy being Green...(pt 1)
  5. Mordheim Update - Accessories are your friend!

Once again, thank you to everyone who has ever visited my humble blog and a bigger thank you to those of you who continue to return.  It is only through your efforts that this has been possible and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for my little chunk of the Internet.  On that topic, what would you like to see more on the Blog?

Catch you all later,
